Monday, June 6, 2016

My weekend

On Saturday I went to someone's house and had a pool party, kind of. I got in the pool, there was food, friends, so i guess it's a pool party. My friend's name is Omar he is 11 and in fifth grade. He has two big dogs, a small one, a cat, two birds, and chickens. He has an Xbox one so Omar and my two brothers played call of duty ghost and Minecraft and a WWE game. While they played that i just played with the puppy they had. After the pool party i went home and went on Netflix until like 11:30 or 12. On Sunday i went to church until like 1:30 and after that we picked up my one year old cousin from my other cousins baseball game (her brother) because it was getting hot out. After that we took her and my mom home and my dad, my two brothers and me went to GameStop and got two games and another controller. After that we just played video games and then watched the game Golden State Warriors vs Cleveland Cavaliers. When that finished i just went to sleep....

Last week

This is the last week of school i'm so sad because i always miss my friends (not like i have any anyways). I hate that all my favorite teachers are leaving. So for this week i'm going to try to have as much fun as i can. Every year on the last day of school i always cry i don't mean to, i just do though. This week i am going to be as happy as i can and i am not going to let anything make me feel bad even if people bully me. I don't care what people say about me anymore thanks to Ms.A and Ms.Russo. I hope you guys have a good week and that no one ruins your week.

Monday, May 30, 2016


If you have been going through a lot at home or school or even both and you feel like you need to cry really bad, just cry doesn't matter if other people call you weak or anything because our crying because they aren't going through the things you are. People should always use empathy before opening there big rude mouth and making someone feel even worse then what they already feel. You always need to let out your feelings it's bad to keep them inside. If you don't feel comfortable crying in front of people then you should go somewhere that you can cry like maybe the bathroom. The important thing is to let out your feelings and cry. Hope it helps😊😊😊

My three day weekend (may 28th-30th)

Saturday: In the morning I went to the mall. Right after that like five minutes after I went Roller Skating. I'm not that good at skating though. I can skate but not like super fast (used to). So after a while me and my youngest brother Richard went to where the games are. We played a game  that you pull a lever and it tells you how many tickets you get. So I mine landed on 500 but it's actually supposed to give you 4 tickets and it gave me 500 instead. So in all we got 681 tickets. We got a lot of toys. Then we went home and played video games.

Sunday: I went to church in the morning. After that I went home and we (me and my brothers and my uncle) played call of duty ghosts. Then I went on and made some videos. Then my dad came back from Dominican republic at like 10 pm then we watch a movie.

Monday: In the morning we went to Ihop with my uncle. When we finished we went to the beach near Bahama breeze. We where all fighting each other.πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š So when we left the beach we went to the pool. It doesn't make sense but still. So after that we went home and ate.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Stop ruining others lives

Everyone has problems in there life no one needs more. If you are one of those people at school who get in other people's nerves please stop. Especially if they have other problems in there life or at home. It could REALLY hurt a person. So many people are suicidal because of people ruining there life and they are receiving negativity nonstop and it really hurts them and there feelings. People might think that the person that is getting bullied is weak because they are suffering and they are always crying and don't say anything back to the person who, but they suffer and they are always crying because they can't handle getting negativity from people everyday. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT OTHERS AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2016


I hate when my "friends" start making fun of me in front of my other "friends" and there is always this one person that should be laughing. Its always someone who should try to defend you or at least not laugh, but no, they are just like one of your "friends" and start laughing. You might get really mad but then when you ask that person who shouldn't be laughing why they were laughing and just start talking about it they get all mad at you but you are the one who should be mad.... Anyways.... You should probably stay away from them and stay with someone who will probably defend you or make you feel better. For example I hate most of the boys at my school so I stay with chailyn or Kayla. Its not because I can't defend myself or I don't have come backs.... I do but its good to always stay with someone you are comfortable with I really hope this helps....

My weekend

On Friday (May 20th 2016) at like 1:30 someone from my family died. So when me and my family found out we were all sad. That person was from my dads side though. That night I went to someone's house (not saying who because of some people thinking wrong). It was very interesting and fun. That person has dogs and they are so cuteπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„. If you were thinking wrong during this then forget you and stop reading my blog....
On Saturday (May 21st 2016) my dad had to go to Dominican Republic because someone died. I won't see him until Sunday 29th 2016. So he went to the airport at like 1 and left for D.R. at like 2. After that I went to the pool. I didn't really do anything except get in the pool.
Sunday (May 22nd 2016) I didn't do anything.... I just went to church and the my moms friend came over and after she left my mom straighten my hair.... That's all I did I guess....

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How to deal with haters

From experience most people that have been name called or that people are talking bad about them for no reason usually go to Ms.Alexander or Ms.Russo. The time where people start talking about me is everyday in 4th period and lunch so I go to Ms.Russo because she is my 5th period teacher and we talk about what has happened to me. She is really good at giving advice and she can actually help. If you are having the same thing happen to you ALWAYS go to Ms.Alexander or Ms.Russo. I hope they make a difference and help you with your problems!!☺😊☺

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My weekend

On Saturday (5\14\16) I went to the movies with Kayla, her brother, and her mom. Me and Kayla had a burger with fries and pretzel bites. I drank mountain dew and I forgot what she drank. I'm not going to spoil the movie I'm just going to say that for me it was really fun, cool, and funny. SOME of the characters in the movie were\are Hawkeye Vision, Crossbones, Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff, Bucky, Baron Zemo, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Iron Man, Captain America, and Spider Man. I can't really say anything because I can't spoil the movie so that's all.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Trying Japanese candy

My uncle went to Japan for a vacation. He doesn't know Japanese though. He brought us Japanese candy. I have NO idea what they are called but I can explain what they taste like. One tasted like green apple gummies. To be honest the worst one tasted like seasoning. One of the candies tasted like the smell of flowers but it actually tasted good. Another one was a Japanese version of a Kit Kat it actually said kit kat so I understood that. Most of the candies tasted good though.

My weekend

Saturday: In the morning we went to yard sales. After that we went to the store (Kirklans and Ross). Then we went to eat at a buffet. When we finished eating we went to my aunts house and stayed there until like 9:30. I didn't really do anything I just made origami toys.

Sunday: We went to church at 11:30 and left at 1:00. Then we went to a water park. I didn't get wet because I didn't want my mom to do my hair again so I just used my tablet. After that my dad bought chicken :( ... If you know me i don't like chicken. When we finished eating we went to my aunts house and my family played domino's. When my family plays domino they play domino's for hours. So we got there at around 6:00 and left at like 10:00 or 10:30. Then we went home and took shower again. That is what i did my weekend. My weekends are always either fun or weird.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

My daily life

My daily life is kind of boring. First I wake up at 6:30 then I go to school and get there at like 8 because my brothers take FOREVER to get ready for school. Then school finishes at 2:50 but i get home like at 3:20. Then i eat, do chores, homework, then i take a shower. After that i can do anything but sometimes we go somewhere or we go to my brothers basketball practices, then at 8 i eat again and watch tv or something. After that sometimes i take a shower again or i do in the morning before school. Then we pray as a family before going to sleep then we go to bed at like 9:30 but i dont fall a sleep fast unlike my family so i fall asleep like at 10:30. We dont really have a bed time we just go to sleep when we do everything we have to do for the day. Thats my life Monday-Friday (Fridays are a little different)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How to feel better after being called names

This is from the last post i made (realize it can hurt other peoples thinking). 1.You can talk about it with someone you really trust. 2. No matter what you think being name called/bullied is not your fault. 3. Do things that make you feel happy with yourself (because if your being name called/bullied you are going to feel bad) 4. Always let out your anger (not on people) for example: hit a pillow, scream as loud as you can (when your alone) 5. Help yourself remember life can get better. 6. Focus on the positive 7. Be around other people who have been bullied or have been in the same situation as you and be around people that can help you with what you are going through. I hope this helps you guys if your being bullied/name called or if you now someone who is being bullied or name called. My other post about self-esteem can also help for this.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Realize it can hurt peoples thinking

If you like to call people names even if your just kidding I think you should really stop because it can hurt how people think about themselves. I know so many people who are hurt because people call them names. So many people that I know tell me about this and they start crying because this makes them feel bad so if you here people calling other people names please tell them to stop. If your hurt because people call you names I will make a blog post about how to feel better and how to not care. If this happens to you I guess you can look at my blog post about self-esteem. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

My Weekend

Image result for daytona tortugas
Something that nobody knows about me is that i like baseball (i still like basketball). On April 23 which was on Saturday i went to go see the Tampa Yankees vs Daytona Tortugas. I wore a Tampa Yankees hat and i wanted Tampa Yankees to win. On the Tampa Yankees there are a couple players that are Dominican in the Yankees (tampa/new york): Domingo Acevedo, Miguel Andujar, Domingo German, and Jorge Mateo i know there is like one more but i dont know the name. The Tampa Yankees won. They got 3 and the Tortugas got 1. I only got to meet Miguel Andujar and Jorge Mateo. They signed a baseball and we also caught a baseball.
Domingo Acevedo:Image result for domingo acevedo

Miguel Andujar:Image result for miguel andujar

Domingo German:Image result for domingo german

Jorge Mateo:Image result for jorge mateo

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Image result for i have no idea photo  I have NO IDEA what i should write about!!!! I wanna make this blog intresting by posting about things that are intresting to you guys. PLEASE let me know what you want me to post about in the comment section and i will do my best to make the post intresting.

Monday, April 4, 2016

How to improve somebody's self-esteem

If you know someone who has a low self-esteem and you want to make them feel better and make them have a higher self-esteem here are 10 ways you can try

1. Show love to them. It will show them that people that you really care about them.

2. Compliment them. It will make them feel better about the way they are and the way they look.

3. Tell 8

Monday, March 28, 2016

Who is better Golden State or Cleveland?

      I thing both teams are good but i think Golden State is better because they play better than Cleveland and to me they mostly win because of team and because of Stephen Curry's three pointers. There coach also makes there team better. They have been beating Cleveland lately too. I thought Cleveland was better but Golden State has gotten better. I would like to know which team you guys like better. By the way again i think both basketball teams are good.