Monday, February 29, 2016

Not a really big deal

Its weird when people make a big deal out of the smallest things, for example when someone gets all happy because they got one piece of candy. :|  You can just go to the store and buy way more candy than that for 50 cents. Im not trying to make candy boring or getting candy boring but come on, its one piece of candy. Also when someone gets new shoes and they start telling like everyone about it and they get to over protective, there shoes, they will always get dirty. Let me know what other things you think people exaggerate about in the comment section. Those were only two examples i can do a part two. Maybe. If this wasnt really boring.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

kazuya (tekken)

Image result for kazuya   Image result for kazuya    Kazuya is the son of Heihachi Mishima and the father of Jin Kazama. Kazuya is one of the main characters in tekken. Heihachi Mishima threw kazuya off a cliff when he was young. That's when kazuya got his scars. Kazuya was dying after the fall and he made a deal with the devil. That's how he was possessed by the devil. Kazuya is also a villain.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

jin (tekken)

Image result for jin kazama powers and abilities Image result for jin kazama powers and abilities T7Jin.png Jin Kazama is from tekken, he is really fast and is really strong which would help his moves and gives his moves power. Most of the stuff he wears have flames on them. Some of his clothe look cool to me like the one in the last pic. Jin means kindhearted. I think he gets that from his mother, that is part of his personality that he has from his parents. Sorry i could not write a lot for this post hope what i said was ok. :| : ) : (

Monday, February 22, 2016

Ken (street fighter)

Image result for ken from street fighterImage result for ken from street fighter 
Ken is Ryu's best friend\rival (some people say they are brothers but idk if thats true but if you know please let me know in the comment section) and he has lots of powers, some of his powers are dragon punch, air hurricane kick, a hurricane kick and a fireball. He has lots more but these are just some of his powers. He is kind of like Ryu but to me Ryu is better because he is all about fighting and fighting alone.Ken is almost as strong and actually has a life. If Ken trained and fought as much as Ryu, he'd probably be better. Ken's name means strong, physical and healthy. Ken is part japanese but i couldnt find the meaning of his name in japanese but im pretty sure there is NO DIFFRENCE in his name when its in japanese. If you have any player from street fighter or tekken that you like please let me know. Hope you like this post if you did then share or one up it!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

what do you want me to post about

I have no clue what i should post about even though i can post about anything in the world i want to know what you guys are intrested in. I dont wanna post about what i want because its probably going to be boring and i want to know whats intresting for you guys. PLEASE let me know what you guys are intrested in hearing about so i can post about it. It can be ANYTHING you want (any games, movies, animals, videos just ANYTHING!!!!!!!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

El G.nie

Image result for eliezer nieves El G.nie known as Eliezer Nieves is a rapper and has a couple of songs that I really like for example one of the songs are called "What you need" I love that song!!! The link is if you want to hear it. He performed somewhere a couple of months ago and my aunt went to go see him. She said that everything was really cool and she really liked the performance, she also said he is a really nice guy. I have known him and his family for a long time and they are all good people. If you want his youtube channels the links are and i hope you like his channels please subscribe if you really liked the channels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Cool shades emoji

You can use this emoji if someone asks you what your doing. If your not really doing anything you would just say "nothing much just texting" then probably send them this emoji. You can maybe use this emoji if you buy new clothes and you send someone a pic of it then you could send them this emoji. To me you can send people this emoji when your trying to show people something cool you have or something you think is cool by sending them a pic of it and this emoji. You can also use this emoji when your just relaxing or have fun somewhere you would send a friend a pic and this emoji to try to make them jealous. Please let me know what YOU use this emoji for.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

which emoji do you want ( any emoji)

I want to know which emoji you guys want my to post about you can pick any emoji. You can also pick as many emojis you would like. Its not that i dont have any other emojis but i just want to know what emojis you guys are intrested in hearing about so please tell me in the comment section! : )

Zzz's emoji

Image result for single emojis I use this emoji when im bored (two periods, same class) or when i dont really care about something. You can use this emoji when someone says a REALLY lame joke while your texting. Or maybe you can use this when your texting someone and your really tired and you want them to shut up so you can go to sleep. Please let me know what you use this emoji for even if i already mentioned it.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Tongue sticking out emoji

  These emoji's are used for when someone says something like really crazy. Or when your talking about Miley Cyrus and you send someone a picture of her and these emoji together and they look alike lol just kidding. You can use this if someone tells you something funny but lame at the same time. LOOKS LIKE CHAY...when someone stares at her. You can also use this emoji for when you trick someone by a text or when your joking around with someone you can send them this emoji after they know its a prank\joke. You can use this emoji for lots of crazy things but let me know what you use it for in the comment section.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Surprised emoji

This is the surprised emoji. You use this emoji when someone tells you a secret or when something good happens to you and your like "what, really!!!''. Sometimes I use this emoji when someone says something funny at school first i use this then i use the "so funny" emoji after that. I also use this when i dont think someone would do something but then they do, so i guess that counts as surprised. Let me know what you use my emojis i have posted about for in the comment section.

Sad emoji

This emoji is for when your sad or someone said something sad. When your sad you can text this to someone or when your maybe at school you can draw it a lot. For example when me and chailyn get sad about anything or because something happened to someone we always draw this emoji. You can also send people this emoji when you think something they said was so sad it made you cry. Basically this emoji is for when you know, heard or read something sad and then start crying.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Emoji's for phone batteries

First emoji= Yay
Second emoji = happy
Third emoji= hmmm
Fourth emoji= i'm ok
Fifth emoji=  yeah whatever
Sixth emoji= im so calm
Seventh emoji= im so sad
Eighth emoji= ugh man
Ninth emoji= OMG NO!
                      Tenth emoji= OMG im going to die
                      Eleventh emoji= NOOOOOO!!!!!!
                      Twelfth emoji= pheww

This happens to me a lot when i'm using an electronic like a lap top, tablet, or phone. I know this happens to many people because it happens to my family and friends when im with them.  

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The fair

This Friday I went to the fair with my aunt, brothers, cousins and a seven year old girl named Jasmine. When we got there it smelled like when people have a BBQ and smoke is everywhere so it smelled really bad. I went on a ride with my brother Ryan we went in circles really fast and went in the air so when we got off we were so dizzy and our heads hurt. At the end after we all went on the rides we wanted to we ate fries with chicken tenders and two funnel cakes. After that all six kids went to take a picture on the big chair. When we left we were all tired and cold and our feat were killing us! Other than that we pretty much had a good time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The ''so funny!!!" emoji

         The "so funny!!!" emoji
This emoji is for when someone says something funny. I use it when people send\show me stuff. You might use it if someone text you a funny picture or say something funny to you, so kind of like the same thing you would do if you were me. I like this emoji because it kind of lets the person who did something funny know that someone else did something funny. I guess you can use it for when something funny happens not if something like SUPER funny happens. 

Topic change

I am changing my topic because giveing advice was hard if i didnt know what you needed advice on so im going to blog about anything because it would be WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY easier to blog about so my blog is called "anything". If you want me to blog about anything you want for example if you want me to make a blog post about puppys, cats, emoji's (lol), just about anything you want tell me in the comment section.