Monday, January 25, 2016

Order of life 1-8

4. wife\husband
6. Nieces\nephews
8. Death

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Advice on how to have a good friendship

First you and your friend would have to be honest with each other and if one of you get in trouble then get the person in trouble out of trouble or at least try. If you hear people talking about your friend then help them out and tell that person to stop. For example today these eighth graders were talking about one of my best friends (chailyn) so i went up to those people and i said "Stop, thats one of my best friends and she's sick and thats not nice for you to talk about her", then they said "Oh im sorry", so thats what people should be doing instead of being two-faces and talking about there "friends" behind there backs.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What do you guys need advice on?

Please please please tell me what you guys need advice on and don't be shy\scared because of what your friends might think just tell me what you need advice on and i'll give you advice. If you ask for advice which probably no one will just check my blog everyday to see if i responded to what you need advice on. Remember you can ask advice for anything you want i don't just give advice for one specific thing but i know my blog name says advice on middle school but please let me know if you need advice. Thanks!!!

Friday, January 8, 2016

It dosnt matter what kind of phone you have

I noticed a little that middle school people judge other peoples phones and what kind of phone they have, like ,it dosnt really matter what kind of phone they have a least they have on because some kids dont and they people that do should start think more about being greatful that they have a phone and stop thinking about people who dont have the newest Iphone or Samsung that just came out. I hate when i see kids being picked on because they dont have the newest phone people or need to get theres updated. If you have a Samsung or Iphone or any cool phone and you pick on other kids for not have a cool phone, think bout if you didnt have a nice phone and you get picked on aand i bet about half of you guys will say you wouldnt care but i know that inside yourself you wouldnt like it and you would feel bad so my advice is not to pick on any other kids that dont have a phone or the coolest phone because you wouldnt like being picked on either.  

Advice for social media

Image result for social media warnings for studentsImage result for social media warningsIf you ever post anything and people dont like it and put bad and\or mean comments you can either delete the post or block that\those person\people. First I would recommend waiting a while before blocking anyone and if you post things and the same thing happens again and again then i would block that person. NEVER use your real name just in case. Always be aware of who you follow and who follows you and if you dont know that person you can either ask peopole at school or not followor block that person. Always think about what you post before you post it. NEVER post anything mean about another person or anything thats not true about another person. NEVER post anything inappropriate about you or anyone else. NEVER post a pic of you head to toe. NEVER give or post anything personal or any personal information. Always stay safe on social media and i hope this helps if so please comment.  

Monday, January 4, 2016

What are thoooooooooooooose!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Image result for ugly shoes
what are thoooooosssssse!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image result for what are those

I hate what are those because does it really matter what kind of shoes you have or other people have. You should be happy you at least have shoes because there are people around the world who dont have shoes and they would at least want the shoes you guys think are lame or ugly or out of style or not in. Some parents can't afford Jordans or Nikes or AND1 or any of those other shoes. Its not really the kids fault that they don't have shoes that are in because there parents buy shoes for them they don't have all the money in the world to by lots of shoes that are in and if someone makes fun of your shoes tell Ms.Alexander because she hates what are those too and she would really deal with them so thats my advice if people say what are those to you because thats disrespectful and could be sometimes hurtful to some kids.

What I did for New Years

On Thursday for New Years Eve I Went to church like some people and had New Years there. It was REALLY fun. We were dancing and listening to cool music. I will put a link of one of my favorite songs they played. LINK: It's about how people should start off the New Year with out drinking. So when we were there we just threw silly string every where and were wearing glowing the dark necklaces and braclets while the lights were off then we had LOTS food. After that we counted down from ten to zero and gave everyone hugs then me and some of my teenage friends and my brothers went outside and through fire works and lit sparklers on fire. We ran around with them and my brother Ryan tryed to burn my clothes. We went to sleep almost around 3:30 and woke up around 12:30. One of my resolutions are to work a little more on guitar and sing songs so i can play with the guitar. I never really tell people i play guitar or sing because then they ask me if i can sing for them or play guitar for them. People that have heard me sing say i have a wonderful voice or say i sing really good but i don't think so.